Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mandarin Season in Northern California

How about a juicy mandarin

Well folks, it's that time of the year again when the crisp, cool air hearkens shorter days and the time for more Vitamin C in our diets.

We visited Placer County this past weekend and went to one of my favorite farms; Millers Citrus Grove in Penryn owned by Mr. Curt Miller. Curt grows both Satsuma as well as Clementine Mandarins, both are sweet and seedless and easy to eat. This trip to Penryn was just an hour and a half trip from the bay area and the kids had a great time picking one of their favorite after school snacks. In about a spans of an hour we had picked 75 Lbs of mandarins between the three of us.

If you enjoy Mandarins as much as we do this is a terrific trip for kids to learn about small family farms and who the people are responsible for growing this wonderful produce and whats is involved. Mr. Miller is really a nice guy and more than willing to talk about his 2700 tree grove as well as his goats and llamas.

We took advantage of the location to choose a fresh Christmas Tree at Pine Valley Ranch also located in Auburn in Placer County. The folks at Pine Valley Ranch grow Christmas Trees for a living and have a nice set up where you can peruse their trees from cute manicured paths and when you've decided on that perfect tree, just yell "Saw" and the folks from the ranch will come running with your bow saw and you can cut your own tree. They then proceed to wrap your tree and will provide you with string to tie it onto your coach. The cost is $5.50 per foot of tree you choose. Wrapping is an additional $2 and the twine is another $1.

To learn more about Placer County Farms and Farm Products check out Placer Grown


Jan Stamos said...

Wow, all this and you can write, too. Love you. Jan

Ruthie said...

Looks fantastic! I am eating some Satsuma right now. xoxoxox Ruthie