Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Berries

With summer in full swing, your local farmers markets have an abundance of fresh fruit for sale.  It's always exciting to see the array of summer berries at the market.  It's like peering through the window at Bulgari at all the glistening multi-colored gems.  The good news is that berries won't set you back a fortune, you'll be supporting your local farmers and eating the essence of summer itself.

No need to dream up any complicated recipes to put these beauties to use.  How about a bowl of fresh berries with a dollop of Greek yogurt, a spoonful of local honey and a sprinkling of your favorite granola?

For those of us who might enjoy a little cooking project, I've been scheming a Summer Berry Pavlova. I have fond memories of a Pavlova I had at M Restaurant in Hong Kong (just before it closed) with my two favorite men last year. M's Pavlova was glittered with Raspberries, Blueberries, Currants and Mango chunks with a passion fruit coulis. Now, I know that the idea of making a Pavlova might seem like making a trip to the international space station.  I'm happy to tell you that it's very easy and when complete you'll pat yourself on the shoulder and say, "Yes, I can."  Whether a Pavlova for Numero Uno or your beloved or for a group of friends, you can revel in the accomplishment that you've created an age old dessert.

A Pavlova is a dreamy cloud of a dessert based upon a meringue with crunchy exterior cooked so that the interior remains gooey and chewy.  This cloud is topped with whipped cream and then crowned with berries or fruit of your choice and perhaps a drizzle of fruit coulis.  This elegant dessert is said to have been named after the famous Russian Ballet Dancer Anna Pavlova after her performance in New Zealand.

For a simple recipe from Ina Garten (The Barefoot Contessa), please follow the following link Pavlova Recipe. Now, if you're a creative cook who likes to improvise or create like I do you can create any kind of sauce/coulis you'd like to drizzle over your creation.

Food is Love